First letter
Dear Dr. (Anonymous)
A week has gone by already and my little tike has been such a pleasure. Thank you for your support, caring and innovation (birth by campfire light) during my delivery. Thanks also for keeping (my husband) so involved. He was holding me up as (our son) made his way into the world. Obviously an experience we shall always remember. All the best and I am so grateful!! -B.A.
Note: B.A.’s baby was born as she was sitting on her husband’s lap. Her husband was sitting on the floor, the nurse and doctor kneeling in front, using a flashlight (“the campfire”) to light the scene.
Second letter
Dear Dr. (Anonymous)
Thank you for the opportunity to share my wonderful (if painful) experience with future moms and dads. Keep up the good work! – B.A. and family
P.S. My second delivery went much faster; I was only at the hospital approximately two hours before ‘M’ was born. Another healthy and safe delivery with caring staff.
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